Citations Made Easier

Citations are, within some academic publishing traditions, a very important tool to measure impact or an acknowledgement of a work. They are also useful to avoid plagiarism by attributing other works or ideas to the correct source. The citations are also meant to help the reader to navigate the landscape of information within a given subject, so that the reader can decide for themselves whether the author’s argument holds water. Citations made easier helps with these scenarios.

Photo by Hans Reniers on Unsplash

The Green Articles

How do we cite the publications stored in your archive? How do we cite the publications in different styles? Sigma wanted to make their archive more robust and to guide their users through citation formats. Therefore they wanted us to come up with an idea for a solution. We took the challenge and together with Sigma we started the process of mapping out a solution which could be used in our archives. In the spirit of open science and open source, we wanted the solution to be open to all, also the readers.

Open statistic solution

Together with Sigma we have now developed an open standalone citations app. This app can be added to any system which has metadata, and it can be moved between systems. Basically you do not need a DSpace instance to add this app, and you do not need to be a client of ours. It can be added to any web-page or system which has content that needs citations. You can, for instance, add it to your journal publishing system, to your archive or other webpages or systems, independent of what system these are built on.


We have launched the citation plugin, along with the statistics views, in the Sigma Henderson archive, and we are very pleased with the result. You can look at an example in this post in the Henderson archive. And see a sample below:

Citations made easier

If you have any questions or feedbac let us know.

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